Avenger EnterPrises
This section is dedicated to things associated - however loosely - with Avenger Enterprises. This started out as my own publishing venture and became an umbrella for all manner of activities.
What follows is mostly associated with science-fiction in various forms, particularly the Traveller RPG and Elite:Dangerous. I played the original Elite when it came out (and yes, I got to Elite ranking), and I've been playing this version for about seven years now. My CMDR is MJDAvenger, and my Fleet Carrier is named RSS Avenger.
The original carrier, which I had to leave behind when I moved from console to PC, was Deepnight Avenger. That name is a reference to the Deepnight Corporation which I invented for the Traveller RPG and (rather obviously) to Avenger Enterprises. The Traveller universe contains a number of Deepnight ships - the ill-fated Deepnight Endeavour, Deepnight Revelation which made the epic journey to Terminus Point and perhaps saved the entire galaxy, and others.
Research Starship (RSS) Avenger predates the Deepnight Corporation. It was created for Starfarers' Gazette, a tongue-in-cheek publication supporting the Traveller RPG. Imagine Top Gear in a spaceship... that sort of thing. The editions of Starfarers' Gazette I have managed to recover have been mildly edited to remove some serial numbers but otherwise retain their original character. Make of them what you will.
What follows is mostly associated with science-fiction in various forms, particularly the Traveller RPG and Elite:Dangerous. I played the original Elite when it came out (and yes, I got to Elite ranking), and I've been playing this version for about seven years now. My CMDR is MJDAvenger, and my Fleet Carrier is named RSS Avenger.
The original carrier, which I had to leave behind when I moved from console to PC, was Deepnight Avenger. That name is a reference to the Deepnight Corporation which I invented for the Traveller RPG and (rather obviously) to Avenger Enterprises. The Traveller universe contains a number of Deepnight ships - the ill-fated Deepnight Endeavour, Deepnight Revelation which made the epic journey to Terminus Point and perhaps saved the entire galaxy, and others.
Research Starship (RSS) Avenger predates the Deepnight Corporation. It was created for Starfarers' Gazette, a tongue-in-cheek publication supporting the Traveller RPG. Imagine Top Gear in a spaceship... that sort of thing. The editions of Starfarers' Gazette I have managed to recover have been mildly edited to remove some serial numbers but otherwise retain their original character. Make of them what you will.